WOMEN RISING is Curated State's latest collaboration and space activation project with the Drawing Room. The exhibition at 780 Valencia Street in San Francisco has been generously sponsored by 2BLiving Property Management Company in an effort to stabilize small businesses and support community resiliency through the arts. We are so appreciative of getting access this amazing space to share this incredible line up of artists and their works.
This exhibition is the response to an open call to Bay Area women artists to share work created during the pandemic and reflect on how these past 2 years have impacted what they make, how they work and why. We hope to represent our current paradigm of art and the women leading the movement.
MARCH 25 Free Energy Funk Jazz With Caroline Chung, bass and friends
APRIL 1ST Morgan Nilsen & Elektra Schmidt Classical, Balkan And Beyond. Morgan Nilsen, clarinet, Elektra Schmidt, piano @Ladymen
APRIL 22ND Celebrating Women Composers - Community Music Center
APRIL 29TH Ménage À Trois with Betty Roi! With David Udolf on piano and Rob Belcher on bass. Love under the Paris skies with Betty Roi, authentic Parisian chanteuse
MARCH 31st, 6:30pm Golden Gate Symphony & Orchestra present: Beethoven Symphony no.6 and Piano Concerto no 3. Urs Steiner, conductor Elektra Schmidt, piano
APRIL 7th, 6:30pm ¡CANTA,MUJER,CANTA! Diana Gameros with Morgan Nielsen
APRIL 14TH, 6:30pm Allison Lovejoy "THE BEST BAD THINGS" Songs & Stories of the Brave, Bawdy & Beautiful Women of San Francisco from 1800-1950.
Sunday, March 27th: 2-5pm
Carolynn Haydu, Stella Sears-Bicknell, Caroline Payaon, Christine Kuo, Erika Chan, Lorraine Woodruff-Long, Mary Burger, Melissa Bolger, Catherine Quon
Sunday, April 3rd: 2-5pm
Leah Korican, Eileen P. Goldenberg, Jude Pittman, Michelle Mongan, Mariana Moreno-Gonzalez, Angela Han, Barbara Pollack-Lewis, Debra Reabock, Alyson Wong, Lady Henze
Tuesday, April 5th: 4-6:30pm
Rachel Znerold, Artemis Schatzkin, Serena Corson, Susan R. Kirshenbaum, Alma Leppla, Tisha Kenny, Deborah Caperton, Soad Kader
Sunday, April 10th: 2-5pm
Jessica Sharp, Kristie Hansen, Lauren Taylor, LT Trunzo, Nic Griffin, Lorrie Fink, Sara Marinelli, Darolyn Barber
Tuesday, April 12th: 4-6:30pm
Audrey Kral, Amy Berk, Audrey Heller, Caren Andrews, Zoe Ani, Xiaochen Yang, Deborah Gutof, Janet Williams, Kaytea Petro
Tuesday, April 19th: 4-6:30pm
Andrea Bergen, Ana Rivero-Rossi, Harumo Sato, Ella Noe, Tammy Zo Pollard, Virdell Vondalla, Kate Razo Renée DeCarlo
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