Sharon Kyle Kuhn
Concrete, Industrial Paint, Chalkboard Paint, Charcoal and Oil on Wooden Panel/framed
30" x 30" x 4"
Sharon Kyle Kuhn
Oil, Industrial Paint, String, Fabric, Cheesecloth, Graphite Powder on canvas mounted on suede/framed
16" x 20"

Sharon Kyle Kuhn
Graphite powder, gouache and india ink on arches oil painting paper; floated and framed (9 individual works)
55" x 44"

Sharon Kyle Kuhn
Asphalt, Concrete, Oil on arches oil painting paper/framed (series of 4)
15" x 11"
Sharon Kyle Kuhn
Asphalt, Oil, Sand, charcoal, graphite on arches oil painting paper/framed with museum quality glass
30" x 22"
Sharon Kyle Kuhn
Asphalt, Oil, Sand, charcoal, graphite on arches oil painting paper/framed with museum quality glass
30" x 22"
Sharon Kyle Kuhn
Asphalt, Oil, Sand, charcoal, graphite on arches oil painting paper/framed with museum quality glass
30" x 22"

Sharon Kyle Kuhn
Wood and Industrial Paint on Wood/framed
12" x 10"
Sharon Kyle Kuhn
Wood and Industrial Paint mounted on plywood and framed with distressed wood
12" x 10"
Sharon Kyle Kuhn
Wood and Industrial Paint on Wood/framed
12" x 10"
Sharon Kyle Kuhn
Industrial paint, Oil, Charcoal and mixed media on arches oil painting paper/framed
30" x 22"
Sharon Kyle Kuhn
Industrial paint, Oil, Charcoal and mixed media on arches oil painting paper/framed
30" x 22"
Sharon Kyle Kuhn
Industrial paint, Oil, Charcoal and mixed media on arches oil painting paper/framed
30" x 22"
Sharon Kyle Kuhn
Industrial house paint, Chalkboard paint, paper on Wooden Panel/framed with distressed wood.
48" x 36"
Sharon Kyle Kuhn
Concrete, Oil, Plastic, chalkboard paint, industrial paint on wooden panel/framed
32" x 24"

Sharon Kyle Kuhn
Wood, oil paints, & wax
27" x 24"

Sharon Kyle Kuhn
Wood and encaustic on wood, framed
20" x 16"